The Unique Trend of Vertical Business Cards
Some things are so commonplace and widespread that we don’t even think of them as being one of many options, and this is something that needs to change in some way, shape or form. Just take the Russian doll model of the cosmos for example. The notion that we consist of molecules which consist of atoms which themselves are made up of subatomic particles lines up neatly with the reality that we are tiny beings on a planet which is one of many planets in the solar system and so on.
This model of the universe might seem sensible, but suffice it to say that it doesn’t recognize numerous entities that exist outside of this spectrum. Similarly, though it might seem obvious that all of your Metal Business Kards should be designed horizontally, you should know that there is nothing stopping you from going for vertical designs at any given point in time. Indeed, we would go so far as to say that vertical designs might be a whole lot better than their horizontal counterparts.
A big part of the reason why that is the case has to do with the fact that you generally hand business cards over to people vertically as opposed to horizontally. The recipient of the card then has to flip said card into a horizontal plane if they want to read what is depicted on it. By creating vertical business cards, you can make it so that they would begin reading the information while you are giving them the card rather than after they get a chance to array it suitably. This is not an entirely common practice, but it’s one that is gaining steam.